Seanix Farms

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

She's gone Country

In the hay barn, with the hunting pack, on the 4 wheeler !

Life is fun.

We have so much fun with this group. In an Sunday afternoon BarBQ -- it's all about friends and family, good ribs and potatoe salad. Horse back riding, joking around and of course 4 WHEELING

We were having so much fun and me on crutches -- I forgot to get pics of all the FOOD !!

Never felt this fun in Florida ---maybe it was just different.

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

The Break

I just saw the xrays -- the break/fracture is at the Femoral neck -- in this drawing. It's worse today -- but now that I SEE what is --it seems like it shouold feel even worse.

Tuesday, September 13, 2005


September 11th has more new meaning. I broke my leg again !!!

Same fall - going over the jump, I really thought he was going with me. ! But, instead. He stopped and I went on my own. I hit hard on my hip and couldn't get back up. I really hoped it was just dislocated --but no such luck I broke the Femer right at the hip socket. Thankfully this one will heal faster !! & it doesn't hurt as much.

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Country life

It's been SOOO beautiful ---it's just hard to be inside. I haven't felt days like this in 20 years.
Dry, Bright, Clear --even a little nip in the air. I'm loving it. !!

Don't you just wonder...what they know ?

Monday, September 05, 2005

Monster box

I have spent 5 days trying to get this mule ( Fenix) into the trailer. He HAS to get in, because next weekend we are trying to get a group together for a ride at the Dupont grounds.

It's a litlle hard to see, but trust me this is the gummy horse that can stand on his tip toes and stretch like a rubber band.

The good news is --- he finally DID get on after 3 more hours of coaxing, and I've gotten him on peacefully 4 more times since. Now he will get all his meals in the trailer this week.

hopwfully we will be able to send pics of our Dupont ride next week.

Not again !!

I'm so flattered that Shellsea would respect me enough to copy me ---but this is NOT what I had in mind.

1st week of shool and she busted her foot !! Doctor says there is no break --just WAY bad sprain. She will probably be on crutched for 10 days --and limping for a month. Never the less she is a cabon copy -- it didn't stop her from riding this weekend --just helping with housework.

We had fun at the local Labor Day Apple Festival

Not as big as Traverse City Cherry festival --mostly craft booths and supposed sales, with Apple sponsers

To spectacular to resist

Waterfall hunting

Still getting used to this blog thing ---so this is actually a week old....

Last weekend we went to Bat Cave NC. Looking for waterfalls ---we actually could have seen waterfalls if we wanted to pay for National park fee for 1 hour --instead we had a lot of fun at this river.

New friend Sarah

I guess we have to figure out how to rotate pics ?

New pasture

We spent all last week plowing my property so that I can have a riding arena --now I have to learn how to build fencing .

Start of plowing

I do great work --with BIG BIG DOZERS

My bosses Larry and Wayne --thats a county grass seed spreader on Wayne --not a sling.

I will send progress pics. right now I have to wait for grass to come up.
it's going to be a really neat areana