Seanix Farms

Friday, October 28, 2005

Catching up

I like this blog stuff, but for whoever cares, I don't have time or pics often to post.
Meanwhile. I am loving the fall here and relishing in the cool, dry, windy weather.
I am remebering some things from Michigan winters, that I had forgotten. ...static cling - auto window defrosters, cold potty seats....on the other hand I am loving my fireplace ( which takes more heat out than it puts in ), warm snuggly sweaters and blankets, baking, and the quiet that comes with the ground getting ready to hybernate.

Who knows how to rotate these pics in blog ? fill me in . Shellsea is working hard on becoming a "Southern Country Girl" here she is concentrating on fresh apple pie, with apples that she picked from orchard next door. Non pesticide apples, and we have peaches across the street. Anyone for warm peach cobbler YUM

Just a couple ( boring) pics of my new shop/job
its a really great shop. It's not a great job. 6 months here and I'll be bankrupt.

Sunday, October 02, 2005

Back in the saddle

I am so HAPPY ! LIFE IS GOOD. I got back in the saddle today. it was wonderful !! I just walked around for a 1/2 hour, but it was great !!!! 3 weeks ! pretty good recovery huh !!

New darker ( fall) hair color and shorter -- you can't tell