Seanix Farms

Sunday, June 18, 2006

Horse Show

We planned and packed and shined, and dreamed. Now we've been here almost a year, and it was the RIGHT move. Yesterday we went down to equine facility FENCE ( on the S. Carolina line for horse show. We were doing really great, it's a lot of waiting around, until it was finally time to show. I managed to get this one good picture of the jump - it was the only jump they did. She took a spill @ jump #2.
She was pretty sore in her back, so we scratched the rest of her classes. SAD. It was disheartning
for all of us. She feels better today. I think she will ba back on track for next show, when she gets back from camp.

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Lake James

WOW what a great time ! Friends Chris and John took us out on their boat ( little bass boat) . We went to Lake about 1 1/2 hr from here. I LOVE N. Carolina - it has so much to offer. The lake was just the right temp for swimming, and clean, not crowded, the scenery never ended. Fishing was our mission, even thou the fish were not biting we had a LOT of fun.

Sunday, June 11, 2006

It's getting HOT

We had a really great 6 hr ride at Croft State Park in S. Carolina. Most of the ride was in the shade, but still it was HOT and HUMID. When we came up on this stream, we couldn't resist. Of course the nudes are omitted. The water was just the right temp, we spend a good hour here, and all of us could have stayed longer.

Sunday, June 04, 2006

Great Day for a Horse Show

It was PERFECT DRY WEATHER for fun horse show at out little Etowah Club.
I even jumped !! for the first time since I broke my hip !!! I DID it !! Not with great style, but I DID IT ! I was so HAPPY. Meanwhile Shellsea earned a Blue and a Trophy, we don't know HOW -- it was a pitiful ride, but -"Hey when the judge was LOOKING she was great !!"

Friday, June 02, 2006

Work - finally

I am working with an old fashion painter to restore this hugh home . We are scraping the paint by hand. It's really hard work. The house is really neat, just for the history of it. It is located 1/2 hr south, in Tryon directly across from a beautiful equine park. Hey -- it's hard work, I need the work, so I try to find something good about it.