Seanix Farms

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Loving the country

Hard to believe Sunday was so cold. Today ( tuesday) it's 70*
This is the proud clean up crew. Claudie, Oliva, and Shellsea.
We had a "yard party" and these 3 girls spent a whole hour
having lots of fun pulling this post 5 feet out of the ground. You HAD to be there, but maybe you can imagine.
No redneck country party is complete without it's token HUBCAP. Shellsea was the winner when she found this a foot under the pile

We moved the manure pile eeech ---We had fun. Here they are displaying efficency, by skillfully guiding the wheelbarrows while hitching a ride in the "bucket" Yes, the bucket was moving the pile also....
see the Florida girl ??? the one in just a T SHIRT

No wonder the boys are staying their distance. Shellsea just learned what a pick ax is.
Wehave lots of birds at our feeders. This bird knocked himself out flying into the window of the door. Shellsea consoled him while he was stunned.
And then directed him never to fly into wondows again


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